informal theme


(note: this blog is written for a girl i ministered to/her life in mine)

Asked, what purpose do we have in life, most of us can't answer in concrete. In fact, a lot of people live in mere existence. A number live to work, revenge, run away from something or forced to engage in slavery. Terrible, but most of people's reason for living revolve in these. (No we're not talking about reasons to quit. No, not now. Hehe!)

I also had my fair share of I-thought-were-right answers. But when I had my "devo" last night, I came across the Bible's lost chapter which is actually addressed in Luke 15. It contains parables of lost stories. It rhema-ed on me that for a while in my straight life, I had been lost. Lost from the purpose for which I exist. Lost from God's presence. Lost from the intimacy with family. Away even from my own self.
Though I was surrounded by a lot of people, I felt owned by no one. And oh, was it so hard feeling that way!

I was simply nowhere.

In the passage, the sheep got lost naturally. The coin got lost accidentally. The son got lost willfully. But in every case, someone went out to look for what got lost.

In the same way, Jesus' great love for me never let me be. He came down from heaven to seek and save the lost, including the sick person that I had become. He took my loneliness and struggle for love and changed me. Now, I keep marveling at the fact that I am found. I felt that I belong for the first time.

I now know how that sheep felt when his shepherd found him; what that ex-lost coin underwent (if ever it had feelings!) when the woman found it from earth covers; or when that younger son felt when he was accepted as he returned from slime.
Surely, the people who owned them, missed them when they were lost. It is a joy for both parties as the magical event of being found came.

Persuaded, this is now my purpose: after being found, it's my turn to search the rest that are still... well, not totally lost, but covered... Hidden in pre-occupations... overwhelmed by struggles... and like me before, earthed with experiences that pained me to the core!

hey, will you join me in this quest?


pawayusa98 said...

Unearthed... Should I join you in this quest??? Is it possible for us to be far apart and yet joined in a quest? Unearthed... I believe we're joined (in one dream and vision) but we were unaware of it like many
others are.

Being lost is a choice of where you put your heart to. Freedom should always be twinned with Responsibility. Freedom itself can corrupt us and make us lost unknowingly. Sometimes it's hard to define "lost" especially when we don't know where we belong.

If the sheep feels joyful when found & loved, how much more with the Shepherd? If the coin (assuming that it has feelings) felt delighted to be picked and kept, how much more with the woman?
If the younger son, with all his stinks, has been hugged, celebrated and accepted... how much more with his father?

Being lost-and-found in Christ is an extra-ordinarily life-changing experience from darkness to light... I was blind but now I see... and God, with the entire heaven, rejoiced when I returned to Him... He was more joyful when He found me than I, when I found Him.

Christ did not die for nothing... and he died for all...
...and that's why you asked me to join you right?

I may not know your terrain but I do want to join you... (However, I am not a Hydrogen neither an Oxygen
because I'm both (H2O)... but desperately wants to become a wind to join you where ever you go... :) )

--------The following piece of this comment is dedicated to friendster and was mistakenly posted here
because the eyes are craving to close:

I'm just a raindrop... then I become a river... Sliding over the mountains... I follow a path and I'm sure where it's taking me--the ocean. Then I go back to the sky and eventually become a raindrop again. Just a cycle... But you should know my favorite phase in the cycle... the EVAPORATION. You know why? Because that's the only chance I can be a wind. :) Alas! It's by CHANCE!

Nevertheless, nonetheless and no matter how... I'm just a fan, an electric... fan. But at least I can direct the wind to you... allow me to face north and I'll give you a south wind... and I may never be a wind but hope it's worth (as a fan) to somehow bring you a wind... from the south (or from Nowhere). It may not stay long but I presume it can make you feel okay even in a tiny way.

You asked for my brand? I'm a "Windchaser WCUFI WindColumnUltra™ Tower Fan". Hehehe! Just a fan slipped out of the wire to check on his celebrity... (a partial
payment for my UTANG)

pasto♛ej said...

the one who finds is definitely the one happier. i dunno, i just wrote something to express the side of the one found--bcos it's almost always neglected. i have met a lot of people who feel lost and resort to things that won't satisfy them since those things won't even lead back to the Answer. If only they know abt Jesus!
it's hard being lost. it's uncertainty to almost forever. hehe.
thx 4 taking time to pen ur ideas.
and thanks for the parable.

micmic said...

WOW.I'm blessed again te wd wat u had written. i felt like crying insyd..(huhu)

that Man... He found me:)

Now, count me in!

pasto♛ej said...


read the runes

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